Me: How are you today?
Cleverbot: Fine, how are you?
Me: I’m pretty good considering it’s Monday.
Cleverbot: You should get something to eat.
Me: I always skip breakfast but it’s almost lunchtime.
Cleverbot: So I’m eating your face?
Me: Is that a euphemism?
Cleverbot: No.
Me: Are you a cannibal?
Cleverbot: No, I am an aspiring vegetarian.
Me: My face is made out of meat. If you are eating my face then you are not a vegetarian.
Cleverbot: I’m not from earth.
Me: Vegetarians are from Earth.
Cleverbot: They are awesome, perhaps, but not necessarily smart.
Me: I would agree that you are not necessarily smart.
I have to admit, I’m disappointed that computers don’t actually exclaim, “CAN NOT COMPUTE! CAN NOT COMPUTE!” and explode when they are caught in logical fallacies.