Taco Bell

Guilty pleasure confession: I loves me some Taco Bell. I don’t know why but I do. I know it’s radioactive and often forces me to plan out a bathroom schedule in advance but the pleasure of eating meat with piles of cheese and sour cream is irresistible.

But another thing to like about the company as a whole is that they like to experiment. “Hey, Fritos taste good, so let’s put them in a taco!” “Ok, let’s make a hard and a soft taco combined and just glue them together with retried beans.” Needless to say, when it came time to incorporate Doritos into their food, Taco Bell did not disappoint.


No, that is not a hard taco shell- it is a giant Dorito shaped like a taco shell. I’m speechless. This is a delicious chip with a long history in this country, originally created in a taco flavor. The inventor recently died and his family threw Doritos on his grave to honor him. This is an epic chip, and it’s a proper way to see the man out.

Let’s all do our part.

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