(III) – Crystal Castles

In the realm of exciting and innovative acts, Crystal Castles is well at home. I remember seeing them perform at Jimmy Kimmel a few years back and the surprised audience had no idea what they were watching. For the third album, appropriately titled (III), Crystal Castles elevates their music to the mainstream. This is in no way a criticism and they haven’t even changed their sound a whole lot. While their trademark scratchiness and cacophony is still around, it seems to be wrapped into more digestible loops.

(III) – Crystal Castles


Many are talking about the change in style of this Toronto band but I just don’t hear it. This is the same Crystal Castles music just more refined and more melodic. Sure, it is more listenable perhaps, but tracks like Insulin still attempt to rape your ears. Alice Glass’ singing isn’t as abrasive but it’s not unlike her more tame songs on the other albums. Some of this is more dance-able and will be a favorite of club DJs but none of this is a bad thing. On the contrary, the collection of tracks makes listening to this album a very deep experience.

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